Learn how to make the most of Krotos Studios powerful features
AI Ambience Generator - quick overview
Generate Ambiences with AI in Krotos Studio
How to share Krotos Studio presets: introducing Preset Export
Krotos Studio Pro 101: Creating a Customised Ambience Preset
Krotos Studio Pro 101: Creating a Footsteps Preset
Krotos Studio Pro 101: Creating an Advanced Footsteps Preset
Sound Design Entire Scenes With Krotos Studio
Unleashing Sound Magic: Cinematic Sound Effects Quick Guide
Foley at Your Fingertips: A Quick Guide to Krotos Studio's Foley Category
Getting Started with Krotos Studio
Every Step Counts: Mastering Footstep Sound Effects with Krotos Studio
Create Immersive Soundscapes Using Krotos Studio’s Ambience Sound Effects Category
Krotos Studio Walkthrough: Create Sound Effects For Your Video Projects
Mastering Krotos Studio: Multi-Channel Output and Pro Tools AudioSuite Rendering
Sound FX in Seconds - Fire Sound Effects with Krotos Studio
Sound FX in Seconds – Forest Scene Sound Design with Krotos Studio
Krotos Studio Pro 101: Creating a Cinematic Impact Preset