How to create Whoosh Sound Effect Presets in Krotos Studio Pro

October 25, 2024

How to create whoosh sound effects in Krotos Studio Pro

Check out the three techniques that our sound designers use to create dynamic and impactful whoosh sound effects. These techniques allow you to create powerful variations of whooshes, with different speeds, pitches and timbres.

This guide covers three methods you can use to create these effects and how to resample them for further versatility. Let’s dive in! 

Whoosh Sound Effects Technique 1: The Peak Pad

The Peak Pad method offers the highest level of control, enabling you to manipulate the speed, character, and layering of your whoosh sound effects. You can load up the  Whoosh Template preset included in Krotos Studio, and it will provide you with an ideal layout, making it perfect for those who want to design their Whoosh sound effects from scratch and have the flexibility to fine-tune every detail.

Example Peak Pad Presets in Krotos Studio: Hybrid, Fire, Airy

How to Create a Whoosh Sound Effect with the Peak Pad Technique

Load a template or factory preset

Start by selecting the Whoosh Template 01 preset from the factory preset library. This template provides an empty but pre-configured setup to drag and drop audio files into. Alternatively, you can also load up any whoosh preset with the peak/whoosh pad and click in the engines to remove the samples.

Prepare Your Audio Files

For this technique to work effectively, you’ll need longer audio files with no gaps in the sound. Avoid short, punctuated sounds as they may disrupt the flow of the whoosh. Long broad spectrum sounds work beautifully here.

Organise your Layers

Set up four layers with complementary sound characteristics to create depth in the whoosh, for example

Layer 1 - Airy noise for a soft, high-frequency element

Layer 2 - Water or liquid sounds for a fluid texture

Layer 3 - Hum or low-frequency tone for weight

Layer 4 - Roaring sound for intensity and impact.

This is just one example, but the same principles will apply - a low, mid and high frequency layer, plus a style layer for added character.

Name the corners on the XY pad

Assign a label to each corner of the XY pad and the tabs by right-clicking on them. By doing so, you can stay organised as you blend your layers together.

Perform the sounds!

Now you can start generating whooshes. Start by moving across the pad in different directions and speeds. Adjusting the sound’s intensity and texture in real time provides you with complete dynamic control over your whooshes.

This technique provides complete manual control, allowing you to adjust each sound effect individually to craft a whoosh effect that aligns perfectly with the action or transition on screen.

Preparing layers beforehand - the 4 zone XY pad

If you’re aiming for consistent, characterful whoosh effects that can be created efficiently in bulk, the layered whoosh approach is a great choice. This method sits in the world of more traditional sound design as a starting point, but once your layers are prepared, you can blend them together within Krotos Studio in incredible ways, to get more sounds out of a handful of layers.

Example Krotos Studio Preset: Designed Air

Maintain consistency with your audio files

Your sounds should be the same length, peak at the same time, and be roughly the same volume. This way you are future-proofing yourself to run into fewer problems once your files are inside Krotos Studio, and you are guaranteed to get the best results.

Create the layers in your DAW beforehand

Drag your files into your DAW and align them so that they play at the same time. You can position them below one another on separate audio tracks, and use time stretch to ensure they are of the same length. These sounds should then work well together in your preset.

Drag the layers into Krotos Studio

Once your layers are of the same length and loudness and peak at the same time, export them and bring them back into Krotos Studio.

Drag layer one into tab 1, Layer two into tab 2 and so on. Once the the sounds are brought in, you can then click in each corner of the XY pad to trigger each sound. Be sure to use the template mentioned above when designing these presets, as the XY pad has already been mapped for you!

Control your whoosh with the 4 Zone XY Pad

Assigning each layer to its own corner of the 4-zon XY pad means you can then blend them together and they will remain in synchronisation. By moving within the pad, you can seamlessly blend and mix sounds to achieve a custom whoosh. Each movement around the pad offers a different combination, so you can create new variations effortlessly.

Tip: Combine the start of one corner, with the tail of another by clicking and moving around the XY pad

The layered approach is useful when you need a quick & reliable way to produce consistent sound effects. It saves time by eliminating the need to add multitudes of audio files to get variations, as the XY pad combinations already provide a diverse range of sounds. But of course, you can do that too!

Technique 3 - Throw it in!

above: a wild sound designer throws his samples into the Reformer AI engine

This one is fun.

The Reformer AI engine in Krotos Studio offers a playful and experimental way to create a range of sounds, and it is particularly fun for whooshes. This technique is perfect for users who enjoy a more unpredictable, hands-on approach and aren’t afraid to experiment with different sound files to see what happens. This technique is all about embracing randomness and discovering exciting, one-of-a-kind sound effects. And funnily enough, it’s the easiest one to execute!

Example Preset: Air Whoosh AI

How to use the Reformer AI Engine for Whooshes?

Drag Samples in…that’s it. No really, that is literally all you need to do.

The Reformer engine is compatible with any audio samples you want to throw into it. You can throw a couple of files in, or an entire folder: the Reformer AI engine will analyse your sounds and split them into sections, and once done, select some colourful pins that appear on the XY pad. These pins represent each section that the Reformer AI engine has analysed.

As a guideline for whooshes, we recommend you select sounds with lots of movement and a dynamic range, such as bursts, swishes, and fluctuating tones. A Whoosh generally starts off quietly, then quickly builds to its loudest point, and then trails off to quietness again slowly.

To achieve this motion accurately, the Reformer AI will map the quietest, middle, and loudest parts separately into its own colour on the XY pad.

Experiment with Different Samples

Don’t be afraid to try a mix of different sound characteristics! Remember, this approach is all about exploration. Some combinations might yield unexpected results, adding a unique texture to your whoosh effects.

Making the whoosh trail away nicely

You can then Fine-tune the sound by controlling the pitch envelope and amplitude envelope in the reformer AI engine. This allows you to manipulate the tail and intensity of the sound, making it smoother or more aggressive depending on your needs. You can also drag a whoosh in to a separated engine and just use the tail, and release trigger, so that once your whoosh is created, the tail activates when you release your mouse click.

You could also apply the Quick FX to your whooshes. This will generate a reverb on the end of your gesture, allowing your whoosh to fade smoothly away.

Reformer AI TL;DR 

The Reformer AI engine is ideal for creating experimental whoosh sounds that add a distinct edge to your projects. It’s a technique that’s both fun and versatile, perfect for content that requires a fresh, unconventional touch. Just drag stuff in and play!

Recording your whoosh sound effects

There are a number of ways to get your whooshes out of Krotos Studio and into your collection or project. You can record each layer onto a separate audio track, giving you the flexibility to mix and arrange the stems later in post-production for further customisation and effects. You could also simply use the Drag and Drop feature within Krotos Studio to create a WAV file automatically. You can then drag this to your sample library or project.

How to Resample Whoosh Sounds in Krotos Studio

The drag-and-drop nature of Krotos Studio feels purpose-built for resampling. You can generate a whoosh, drag it out onto your timeline and then drag it back in again. Place it in a Reformer AI engine to combine it with other sound effects, then drag it out once more. You can repeat this process as many times as you like, repurposing your creations and generating new, fresh results each time.

This technique is invaluable for layering effects and adding new dimensions to your sound design. It also provides flexibility for refining and polishing whoosh effects you’ve already created.

1. Generate Your Sound

Start by creating your whoosh effect using one of the techniques above, such as the Peak Pad, Layered Whooshes, or the Reformer Engine.

2. Export the sound, then drag it back into Krotos Studio

Once you’re satisfied with your initial sound, export it from Krotos Studio and then re-import it. This allows you to apply additional effects, layering, or manipulation within Krotos.

3. Re-Shape in the Reformer AI Engine

If you’re using the Reformer engine, you can further modify the resampled sound, adding new characteristics or altering its behaviour.

Resampling is a powerful way to create complex soundscapes and intricate audio effects. By iterating on a single whoosh sound, you can evolve it into something entirely different, making it suitable for diverse uses and applications.

Get Whooshing inside Krotos Studio Pro

Krotos Studio offers a variety of techniques for creating and customising whoosh sound effects, each with unique benefits and applications. You have a combination of precise control, efficient layering, playful experimentation and advanced resampling at your disposal, so why not make the most of it? Master these techniques and save yourself time, enhance your creativity and supercharge your projects.