Crowd sound effects like you’ve never heard before

Crowd sound effects like you’ve never heard before


Brand-new Crowd Generator in Krotos Studio

Imagine being able to orchestrate crowd noise like Freddie at Live Aid. Chatter, booing, cheers, applause, laughter, whispers, conversation; all sculpted and shaped by you with just a few gestures...This would be pretty amazing right?

Well, check out what we've been up to this month...💅

The thing about crowd sound effects...

They are notoriously hard to fit into a scene. Normally, a crowd in a film or TV show is the result of numerous layers added in post-production, like in the example here:

This process takes time you just don't have ⏰. You have to scour the internet for a good crowd sound effects library, then buy it & download it. Next, you go through the process of auditioning the files one by one hoping that one that might work. You drag the sounds into your project, hit play, watch it back and...

"Nope - doesn’t work. this sounds ridiculous, what was I thinking. I need to go find another library..."

Why are Crowd sound effects are so difficult to get right?

There could be so many factors as to why it didn't work:

  • "This sounds too busy"
  • "This isn't busy-sounding enough"
  • "This file is too short, but when I duplicate it, I hear this one guys voice looping."
  • "...Come to think of it, why is that one guy louder than everyone else?"

Sure enough. Crowd sound effects are difficult. So the gang here at Krotos had a thought…💡

"What if there was a dynamic crowd engine inside Krotos Studio? Wouldn't that be so cool and make everything so much easier?" - Krotos Team, 2024

What if you could control every aspect of the crowd? It could be louder and quieter when you want it to be, rather than when the audio decides?

What if the sound wasn't four seconds too short for our video footage?🙄

These problems are painful, inconvenient, time-consuming... and an all-round headache.

So, we fixed it.

Crowd sound effects for every situation imaginable

Only need a handful of people in your crowd? No problem! Keep the crowd intensity parameter low in the XY pad. Want your scene to feel like you have sold out Wembley stadium like Freddie? Crank it up.

Fully-customisable crowd sound effects presets

There is no other crowd sound effect engine like this available anywhere, believe me, we checked. No other sound effects solution provides complete and total control over every aspect of how a crowd could sound, in a way that is dynamic, performable and fast.

The sounds you generate will never repeat. no need to duplicate, no need to repeat anything, just load a preset and go.

Download the 16 new crowd presets from Krotos Studio

Hear them in action in our Preset Explorer

  • Booing Crowd
  • Mob Rage
  • Laughing Crowd
  • Social Crowd
  • Callouts 1
  • Callouts 2
  • Callouts 3
  • Large Crowd
  • Coughing Crowd
  • Wedding Celebration
  • Standing Ovation
  • General Conversation
  • Happy Crowd
  • Murmuring Crowd
  • Whispering Crowd
  • Applause